Fast track your Managers…

…With our award-winning virtual programme.

Need to upskill a few team members but don’t have enough people to justify an in-house solution?

New to management yourself and want to build your skills and grow your confidence?

We can help. We have made our world-class leadership training programme accessible to individuals with everything you need to get set up for success, minus the price-tag.

With the experience and knowledge we have from facilitating successful organisational leadership courses for companies including Dr. Martens, McDonald’s, TUI, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners and Five Guys, we are now offering an open First Time Managers programme, running virtually from September until December 2023.

So, if you’re looking to support the development of soft skill and leadership behaviours in one of your employees transitioning to a management role for the first time, or indeed for yourself, then this is the programme for you!

What’s included?

You’ll get to know your cohort colleagues from the first kick-off call, as well as your friendly programme facilitator who’ll be with you every step of the way, providing support and guidance.

You’ll find a safe learning environment where we encourage you to question and challenge, and where you can grow together with your cohort. And, with only a small group of roughly 12 people you’ll have the safe space to build your confidence and skills at your own pace, with the time to apply them back in role, making a real difference to your career and future potential.

This 4-month programme, designed for maximum impact includes:

  • 1 x 60-minute cohort kick-off call
  • 6 x 2-hour virtual sessions (via Zoom)
  • Post-course workbooks for each module
  • 2 x 30-minute individual coaching calls (during and after the programme)

 What’s covered?


Leadership Approaches:

4th October 2023 | 09:30-11:30 GMT

This session looks at leadership fundamentals and how to achieve tasks, whilst getting the most out of both your team and the individual. It explores the idea of adapting your style to suit each team member.

  • Understand the transition to a managerial role
  • Recognise what makes a great manager
  • Understand the key duties and responsibilities of a manager
  • Understand the difference between management and leadership,
  • Recognise that team members are individuals and need to be managed uniquely
  • Learn how to apply Hershey & Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model

Communication Skills:

18th October 2023 | 09:30-11:30 GMT

This session looks at how to communicate effectively from the point of view of both the sender and receiver. It covers body language, building rapport, levels of listening, questioning techniques, and other practical tips.

  • Recognise the different elements of the communication cycle and how to use them effectively
  • Understand the impact of different elements of communication, as per Dr. Mehrabian experiments
  • Learn how to communicate effectively when working remotely
  • Recognise when and how to adapt communication styles based on others’ preferences
  • Understand Stephen Covey’s Five Levels of Listening and how to use active and empathic listening
  • Learn about different question types and how and when to use them

Delegation & Feedback:

1st November 2023 | 09:30-11:30 GMT

This session looks at the skills and techniques needed to delegate effectively. It’s not just about getting the job done, but giving your team more confidence, making them feel important and letting them show what they are capable of.

  • Understand the difference between delegation and allocation
  • Recognise and challenge the blockers to delegation
  • Learn how to delegate effectively using the Plan-Deliver-Review model
  • Recognise the need for balanced feedback
  • Learn how to give constructive feedback effectively
  • Practice delivering feedback using the AID model

Accountability & Motivation:

16th November 2023 | 09:30-11:30 GMT

While dangling carrots may have worked in the twentieth century, that’s precisely the wrong way to motivate people for today’s challenges. This course takes a deep look into modern day motivation and offers smart techniques to get the most out of your people.

  • Understand the difference between responsibility and accountability
  • Learn how to create an accountable culture
  • Understand the needs of employees, based on Maslow’s theory
  • Recognise the different factors that motivate people, both intrinsic and extrinsic
  • Learn motivational techniques under the headings of autonomy, mastery and purpose
  • Learn how to combine delegation and motivation in a way that optimises performance

Conflict & Difficult Conversations:

29th November 2023 | 09:30-11:30 GMT

This session will dive deeper into the definition of conflict and challenge the assumption that is a negative concept. It will provide techniques to assist with the preparation and delivery of challenging conversations.

  • Recognise the role emotional intelligence plays in conflict
  • Recognise the different types of conflict and that it is not always a negative thing
  • Understand the different conflict handling modes as per the Thomas-Kilmann model
  • Recognise own preferred conflict handling modes and learn how to adapt based on situations
  • Learn how to structure a candid conversation using the 4 Ps model
  • Learn how to use assertive disagreement and how to say no, to get the desired outcome

Time Management & Productivity:

13th December 2023 | 09:30-11:30 GMT

In a time-poor world, this workshop will explore how to get the most out of your time at work, exploring techniques and tips on how to increase effectiveness and productivity across the team.

  • Learn how to use the Eisenhower Matrix to manage time and increase productivity
  • Understand how to best prioritise and organise workload on a regular basis
  • Learn tips to manage distractions and time-stealers
  • Recognise when procrastination occurs and how to challenge it
  • Learn about tools and techniques that increase efficiency
  • Learn how to hold an effective meeting

Ready to make a difference?

If you’d like to reserve a space on this award-winning programme, for yourself or an employee, for just £999 (plus VAT) all in, please email and we’ll get you booked on.

Spaces are limited to keep the learning environment personal and maximise effectiveness for our delegates, so don’t delay!

Dates not work for you? No problem. Drop us a line and we’ll keep you informed of the next available programme.

We look forward to welcoming the first cohort on the kick off call on 25th September 2023 (15:00-16:00 GMT) to start their journey!

Recent Posts

The 4Ps of Candid Conversations


The “Four Ps” model can help us to plan for a difficult or candid conversation so that both parties find it beneficial.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to plan for a difficult or candid conversation so that both parties find it beneficial
  • Understand how to use the 4Ps to deliver a difficult message
  • Consider how this can help manage under-performance in a structured manner

Assertive Disagreement


When you disagree with someone, it is often best to be direct and clear, as it avoids an unfortunate misunderstanding. People can shy away from disagreement as it can sometimes feel confrontational. The assertive approach introduced in this module helps you to express your disagreement in a professional, constructive manner.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn what assertiveness is
  • Learn a process to put your case across without getting emotional
  • Provide context for how to use the model in a real-world environment

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument


Because no two individuals have exactly the same expectations and desires, conflict is a natural part of our interactions with others. This self-test assessment will tell you more about your predominant style of handling conflict and what this means.

Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a starting point for your development
  • Identify your conflict handling style
  • Learn about the five conflict handling modes

AID Feedback Model


Providing feedback that encourages open dialogue and communication enhances your credibility as both a teammate and as a leader. AID is a simple feedback model that can be used for positive moments and those that need corrective action.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn a simple model for providing feedback
  • Identify your own role in each of the stages
  • Discover the benefits of creating a feedback culture

Action-Centred Leadership


Good managers and leaders should have full command of the three main areas of the Action-Centred Leadership model and should use each of the elements according to the situation.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discover John Adair’s action-centred leadership model
  • Learn how to adapt the model for your own work situation
  • Investigate the danger of becoming out of balance

Question Types


Asking the right question is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange. Using the right questions can improve a whole range of communication skills; the information we receive back (the answer) will depend very much on the type of question we ask.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn why asking the right question is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange
  • Discover why the right questions in a particular situation can improve a whole range of communication skills

Dr. Mehrabian’s Communication Model


We are always communicating, even when we are not speaking. Other factors communicate what we really think and feel, which can be explained by looking at Albert Mehrabian’s communication model.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the impact of mixed messages when communicating
  • Understand that communication is a blend of words, body language and tone

Situational Leadership


Leaders need to tailor their approach based on the person they are coaching, their experience at the task and their level of enthusiasm for completing it.

The ability to adapt your leadership style to cater to different tasks and your people’s needs is called situational leadership.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model
  • Recognise directive and supportive behaviours
  • Understand the four leadership styles in line with situational leadership
  • Understand the development levels of team members, based on competence and commitment
  • Become confident with flexing your leadership style to the individual and the situation