Last week was National Inclusion Week, run by Inclusive Employers, where organisations everywhere joined in to celebrate inclusion with a whole host of activities. The theme this year was #EverydayInclusion, and it was all about the simple things we can do each day to make inclusion a reality in our workplaces. It was one week to #celebrate the commitment of our colleagues and #inspire 51 weeks more action on inclusion.
There were daily challenges that included Boost your Break, Celebrate Others, Choose to Include and Inclusivi-Teas. What did your workplace do to get involved?
Inclusion is about everyday actions
Don’t worry, it’s not too late, inclusion is about everyday actions. Here’s our top 5 tips to workplace inclusion:
- Talk – it starts with hello, its simple everyday actions that make a difference; make time to talk to your colleagues; be curious about difference, nobody knows everything already; go on, put the kettle on!
- Listen – make time to listen, you’ll learn amazing things you didn’t know about your friends and work colleagues
- Be You – don’t be shy, share your story to help others understand who you are and what makes you unique; remember its ok to make mistakes, acknowledge them and move on.
- Be Kind – support colleagues that might be struggling; stand up for what’s right, if you see someone behaving in a way that might make people feel excluded, talk to them about it, they might not realise
- Celebrate Differences – value everyone’s ideas and contribution, no matter who they are or what their job role is; celebrate each other’s differences and choose to include, we all bring a mix of talents and approaches to our work – that is what makes things work effectively!
If your organisation is looking to do more, check out for more information, or get in touch with us for support and resources.