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different coloured sea glass balanced on top of each other as a tower, sea in the background

Balancing resolutions, routines, and real life.

January often brings a wave of resolutions and ambitious goal-setting, but after the festive chaos, simply returning to routine can feel like an achievement.

Rachel explores why it’s okay to take your time, reflect, and set meaningful goals when you’re ready. Embrace balance, flexibility, and small wins to kick-start your year.

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Person looking through binoculars, they have a camera and backpack in front of them. Wearing waterproof coat and hat. Stood behind a rock, tree in the background

2025 L&D trends.

Read Tony’s full blog to explore what’s he thinks will shape L&D next year

Including: Face-to-face training as people crave connection, team effectiveness over individual development, bite-sized learning remains vital, respectful workplaces and psychological safety, plus AI will continue to rise. 

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Kayak surrounded by sea water. There is an adult holding an oar at the back and 2 small children at the front of the kayak.

Why wellbeing days matter.

Rich shares how PeopleUnboxed’s Wellbeing Days are supporting and strengthening our larger positive culture strategy.

With real-life examples and practical tips, it’s a must-read for anyone looking to prioritise wellbeing and workplace culture.

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Person sat drinking from a cup, looking out a window. There are flowers in the fore front of picture. Person looks peaceful.

Unboxing the power of Mental Health First Aiders.

Equipping your organisation with Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) can be the first phase to being proactive toward your teams’ happiness at work, and a vital step in creating an open and positive mental health culture within your workforce. With our MHFA courses, we’re ready to make a difference.

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Person's face, they have their fingers intertwined in front of them, with the 2 index fingers resting on their lips, so they seem to be thinking. There are some dashes and dots in blue, red, green and yellow to the side of the image

The power of Whole Brain® Thinking

Our team recently completed Whole Brain® Thinking assessments, a group profile debrief, and a ‘ThinkAbout Teams’ session. This hands-on experience helped us understand our thinking preferences and enhanced our collaboration.

Read the full blog to see how we’re using this insight to strengthen team dynamics and drive actionable outcomes!

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Jo Stanley stood in front of a TV, displaying the opening PPT slide "Managing time & meetings" for First Event.

Finding my feet

Discover how psychological safety and a supportive onboarding process helped Jo find her feet when she started at PeopleUnboxed.

Read her journey and insights on building trust, relationships, and thriving in a new role.

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The 4Ps of Candid Conversations


The “Four Ps” model can help us to plan for a difficult or candid conversation so that both parties find it beneficial.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to plan for a difficult or candid conversation so that both parties find it beneficial
  • Understand how to use the 4Ps to deliver a difficult message
  • Consider how this can help manage under-performance in a structured manner

Assertive Disagreement


When you disagree with someone, it is often best to be direct and clear, as it avoids an unfortunate misunderstanding. People can shy away from disagreement as it can sometimes feel confrontational. The assertive approach introduced in this module helps you to express your disagreement in a professional, constructive manner.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn what assertiveness is
  • Learn a process to put your case across without getting emotional
  • Provide context for how to use the model in a real-world environment

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument


Because no two individuals have exactly the same expectations and desires, conflict is a natural part of our interactions with others. This self-test assessment will tell you more about your predominant style of handling conflict and what this means.

Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a starting point for your development
  • Identify your conflict handling style
  • Learn about the five conflict handling modes

AID Feedback Model


Providing feedback that encourages open dialogue and communication enhances your credibility as both a teammate and as a leader. AID is a simple feedback model that can be used for positive moments and those that need corrective action.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn a simple model for providing feedback
  • Identify your own role in each of the stages
  • Discover the benefits of creating a feedback culture

Action-Centred Leadership


Good managers and leaders should have full command of the three main areas of the Action-Centred Leadership model and should use each of the elements according to the situation.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discover John Adair’s action-centred leadership model
  • Learn how to adapt the model for your own work situation
  • Investigate the danger of becoming out of balance

Question Types


Asking the right question is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange. Using the right questions can improve a whole range of communication skills; the information we receive back (the answer) will depend very much on the type of question we ask.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn why asking the right question is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange
  • Discover why the right questions in a particular situation can improve a whole range of communication skills

Dr. Mehrabian’s Communication Model


We are always communicating, even when we are not speaking. Other factors communicate what we really think and feel, which can be explained by looking at Albert Mehrabian’s communication model.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the impact of mixed messages when communicating
  • Understand that communication is a blend of words, body language and tone

Situational Leadership


Leaders need to tailor their approach based on the person they are coaching, their experience at the task and their level of enthusiasm for completing it.

The ability to adapt your leadership style to cater to different tasks and your people’s needs is called situational leadership.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model
  • Recognise directive and supportive behaviours
  • Understand the four leadership styles in line with situational leadership
  • Understand the development levels of team members, based on competence and commitment
  • Become confident with flexing your leadership style to the individual and the situation