Ten gratitude journaling prompts to get you started.

Recording and discussing our gratitude is a theme that comes up repeatedly in the ‘I Love it Here’ podcast, which I co-host with Caleb Foster and Jonathan Cooper.

It is also a topic that came up in our PeopleUnboxed team meeting earlier this week.

Although you could use an old-school (analogue/manual?!) diary, I am totally on board with using digital tools; in my case, the excellent DayOne App

Getting started with gratitude journaling needs to become a habit. Building a habit becomes easier if you have a set of prompts. Gratitude journaling prompts are questions that help you get into a gratitude mindset to reflect on all the things in your life that you are grateful to have.

Fortunately, the folk at DayOne not only make a super platform, they also really “get” journaling.

So here are ten gratitude journaling prompts to help inspire your next gratitude journaling session, as shared on DayOne’s blog.

1. What are three things you are grateful for today?

Right here, right now, what are the first few things that come to mind when you think of what you are grateful for in your life?

2. Who are you grateful for today?

Consider your friendships, relationships, pets, or even someone you admire that you’ve never met. Who comes to mind? List them out and envision their faces as you make a list.

3. What are three reasons you are glad to be alive today?

What makes you grateful to still be living and breathing right now?

4. In what ways have you grown as a person over the last year?

Even in challenging times, we can still reflect on how we’ve evolved and changed for the better.

5. What is something you are grateful to have learned recently?

From new skills or hobbies to more significant life lessons or self-insights, what’s something new you didn’t know?

6. What are three qualities you appreciate about yourself?

When it comes to expressing gratitude, we may have difficulty recognising the qualities, characteristics, or strengths we’re thankful to possess.

7. What is something you feel “lucky” to have in your life?

Gratitude often involves recognising the people, things, or circumstances in our lives that seem to exist outside of anything we did to them. What are those things for you?

8. What is a simple delight you have been enjoying lately?

Our everyday lives offer a chance to savour the little things and the simple pleasures. What is a simple delight you enjoy, even if you’re never taken the time to appreciate it?

9. What do you like about where you live right now?

No matter where you live, identify something about the location, community, or home you’re in that you like.

10. How does expressing gratitude make you feel right now?

Reflecting on what you’re grateful for will likely produce a distinct feeling or emotional response. What have you experienced by reflecting on what you’re grateful for today?

I’d love to hear if you have any others, that I should add to the list as prompts!

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