Bandit Heeler.
The ultimate coach.

Lessons in Leadership from Bluey’s Dad.

After the positive feedback I received on my The ‘Ted Lasso’ Way” leadership blog, I couldn’t resist sharing my thoughts on another of my favourite characters who embodies the essence of an exceptional coach.

If you have kids under 10, chances are you’ve watched “Bluey,” the beloved animated Australian TV show that follows a family of blue heelers.

In particular, Bandit, the dad, always brings a smile to my face. It’s a show I enjoy watching with my own children, a 6-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old son, and there’s much we can learn from Bandit’s coaching style.

Bandit’s playful adaptability.

One of the standout qualities of Bandit is his ability to play along with his children’s vivid imaginations. Whether it’s a magic stalk of asparagus or a freezing xylophone, he fully embraces the experience. While it may seem like he sets the bar impossibly high for us dads, he teaches us the importance of staying adaptable.

Just as games in the Bluey universe often evolve with changing rules, a great coach knows that strategies may require tweaks.

Being flexible with your approach is a valuable skill, and Bandit excels at staying agile when playing.

Encouraging exploration and imagination.

In the episode “The Creek,” Bandit leads an epic adventure, guiding the kids to explore new places and overcome fears along the way.

He fosters a culture where players brainstorm creative plays and strategies, letting next moves stem from imaginative ideas. Bandit creates opportunities for everyone to have a voice and a choice, teaching us the value of encouraging imagination in our teams.

Interestingly, surveyed CEOs of an IBM study say that creativity is the number one factor for future success. That said, according to Gallups’s 2017 American Workplace Survey, 35% of workers are only given time to be creative at work a few times per year.

There is a mismatch on what we know versus what is happening within our places of work. Like Bandit, we need to leave room for and encourage creativity within our teams.

Constructive feedback and trust.

In the comical episode “Daddy Robot,” Bandit provides feedback to help Bluey and Bingo (his daughters) grow. Creating opportunities for feedback is vital for building trust and collaboration.

Bandit’s willingness to offer feedback, even in a light-hearted manner, sets a great example for us to follow. Bringing it back to the working environment, according to Gallup, people who know and use their strengths, and the companies they work for, tend to be better performers.

In one study of 65,672 employees, Gallup found those who received strengths feedback had turnover rates that were 14.9% lower than for employees who received no feedback.

Balancing fun and rules.

In the episode “Takeaway,” Bandit strikes the right balance between fun and rules, ensuring the team respects the game and each other.

He creates an environment where accountability is shared, a crucial aspect of effective coaching.

Vulnerability and humility.

In “Duck Cake,” Bandit lets his eldest daughter see the struggles he’s facing, all while encouraging her to tackle tasks she might not want to do, all for the people she loves.

His vulnerability and humility in this episode are heartwarming, reminding us of the power of sharing our challenges and supporting others  in their endeavours.

Goal achievement through challenges.

One particularly noteworthy episode, “Flatpack,” showcases Bandit and Chilli (the mum) working together to achieve their goals, despite the challenges they face. Bandit’s determination and teamwork demonstrate the importance of perseverance in achieving our aims.

Edward Locke and Gary Latham (1990) are leaders in goal-setting theory. According to their research, goals not only affect behaviour as well as job performance, but they also help mobilise energy which leads to a higher effort overall.

Higher effort leads to an increase in persistent effort. In a coaching setting, it is vital to help the coachee understands what challenge or problem they are trying to solve before going into blindly.

Learning from Bandit Heeler’s approach.

Bandit Heeler doesn’t immediately offer his children advice; instead, he allows them to find their solutions.

He creates an environment where they feel connected, engaged, and have a sense of belonging. He empowers the individuals to make their own decisions, all the while supporting and believing in them every step of the way.

There are countless more examples in “Bluey” that highlight Bandit’s coaching prowess. He truly is the ultimate coach, teaching us valuable leadership lessons.

So, the next time you watch “Bluey” with your kids, pay close attention to Bandit’s coaching style – you might just discover more inspiring insights into great leadership.

If you ever want to discuss leadership and coaching techniques (or your favourite Bluey episodes!), then please drop me a message on LinkedIn or email me

Bandit Heeler (dad) sat on a park bench with his 2 children, Bluey and Bingo. They are all eating an ice cream.
A scene from one of my favourite episodes… Bandit Heeler (dad) sat on a park bench with his 2 children, Bluey and Bingo. They are all eating an ice cream.

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