Personal development.

Micro modules to build everyone's personal growth.

A suite of micro eLearning courses aimed at supporting your people to develop in role. Whether you’re looking to develop team members or managers, here you will find a range of topics to help them build self-awareness and soft skills.

Best of all, these are micro modules that take on average about 15 minutes to complete, so there’s no excuse for your people to not invest in their personal growth.

Flexible pricing plans to suit you.

Micro personal development modules.

Our off-the-shelf eLearning is one of the most competitively priced on the market, with compliance, personal development and leadership modules to choose from. We offer options to purchase either annually or as a one-off. 


Individual Course
£ 1,250


Individual Course
£ 2,750

For more information about costs, or to receive a thorough quote, please get in touch.

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9-Step Delegation Model


One of the main motivators that many leaders fail to recognise is the option to challenge and provide an opportunity to help their people develop. Both of these can be achieved through delegation.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the three key phases of delegation
  • Identify how to break each phase down into three smaller chunks and what these are
  • Understand your role in each of the stages

Action-Centred Leadership


Good managers and leaders should have full command of the three main areas of the Action-Centred Leadership model and should use each of the elements according to the situation.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discover John Adair’s action-centred leadership model
  • Learn how to adapt the model for your own work situation
  • Investigate the danger of becoming out of balance

AID Feedback Model


Providing feedback that encourages open dialogue and communication enhances your credibility as both a teammate and as a leader. AID is a simple feedback model that can be used for positive moments and those that need corrective action.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn a simple model for providing feedback
  • Identify your own role in each of the stages
  • Discover the benefits of creating a feedback culture

Assertive Disagreement


When you disagree with someone, it is often best to be direct and clear, as it avoids an unfortunate misunderstanding. People can shy away from disagreement as it can sometimes feel confrontational. The assertive approach introduced in this module helps you to express your disagreement in a professional, constructive manner.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn what assertiveness is
  • Learn a process to put your case across without getting emotional
  • Provide context for how to use the model in a real-world environment

Dr. Mehrabian’s Communication Model


We are always communicating, even when we are not speaking. Other factors communicate what we really think and feel, which can be explained by looking at Albert Mehrabian’s communication model.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the impact of mixed messages when communicating
  • Understand that communication is a blend of words, body language and tone

EQ Self-Assessment


Take this simple self-test survey to find out how strong you are in the five areas of emotional intelligence (EQ).

Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a starting point for your development
  • Identify your existing level of emotional intelligence

Five Levels of Listening


Most of our efforts to develop communication skills deal with reading, writing and speaking. Minimal effort is placed on developing our ability to really hear the other person’s perspective. Listening is a key skill that all good leaders require to understand and motivate their people.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore Stephen R. Covey’s 5 different levels of listening
  • Explore the benefit of empathic listening
  • Discover the danger of placing minimal effort developing our ability to really hear the other person’s perspective

Four Stages of Competence


For centuries, the greatest minds have advocated the importance of acknowledging your own lack of knowledge. This module looks at why you must take time to consider how much you think you know and how much you actually know about something.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn why you must take time to consider how much you think you know and how much you actually know about something
  • Explore situations that can influence how receptive you are to taking on new information
  • Practice using a tool to help you “know what you don’t know”

Personal Values


Knowing your own unique core values can be exceptionally helpful in understanding why you react and behave the way you do, particularly in times of conflict.

Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a starting point for your development
  • Identify your own personal values
  • Build awareness of the personal values of your colleagues and team members

Presenting with IMPACT


A great presentation isn’t just about delivering a message to other people. It is also about how we present “brand us”.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how other people perceive us
  • Provide a solid foundation for presentation success
  • Consider the needs of yourself and your audience
  • Learn how to ask relevant questions



It is human nature that we just find some people easier to get along with than we do others.

Knowing and understanding the other people you work with is vital to being part of a team. 

This self-assessment will help you explore your own colour energies and understand how to adapt to others in your team, based on their own behavioural and communication preferences. 

Learning Outcomes

  • You will identify your predominant profile, which is the starting point in determining the strengths you bring to your team
  • Discover your own social preferences via the self-assessment
  • Learn how other people like to be communicated with
  • This tool helps us look at why we find it easier to work with some people than others

Question Types


Asking the right question is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange. Using the right questions can improve a whole range of communication skills; the information we receive back (the answer) will depend very much on the type of question we ask.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn why asking the right question is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange
  • Discover why the right questions in a particular situation can improve a whole range of communication skills

Resilience Self-Assessment


Take this simple self-test survey to find out how resilient you are, providing you with the building blocks to support you in times of challenge and adversity.

Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a starting point for your development
  • Highlight how personally resilient you are, based on four key metrics

Situational Leadership


Leaders need to tailor their approach based on the person they are coaching, their experience at the task and their level of enthusiasm for completing it.

The ability to adapt your leadership style to cater to different tasks and your people’s needs is called situational leadership.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership model
  • Recognise directive and supportive behaviours
  • Understand the four leadership styles in line with situational leadership
  • Understand the development levels of team members, based on competence and commitment
  • Become confident with flexing your leadership style to the individual and the situation

The 4Ps of Candid Conversations


The “Four Ps” model can help us to plan for a difficult or candid conversation so that both parties find it beneficial.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to plan for a difficult or candid conversation so that both parties find it beneficial
  • Understand how to use the 4Ps to deliver a difficult message
  • Consider how this can help manage under-performance in a structured manner

The Principles of Communication


Whether you are communicating with co-workers, explaining a product to a customer or providing valuable feedback to one of your team, the ability to communicate your message clearly and concisely is a critical skill to possess.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand that you are always communicating
  • Learn about content and the relationship in delivering a message
  • Discover the dangers of assumption
  • Learn how a message is a combination of sending and receiving

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument


Because no two individuals have exactly the same expectations and desires, conflict is a natural part of our interactions with others. This self-test assessment will tell you more about your predominant style of handling conflict and what this means.

Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a starting point for your development
  • Identify your conflict handling style
  • Learn about the five conflict handling modes

What Motivates You?


When we talk about motivation, we are referring to factors that energise behaviour and give it direction. As individuals we won’t all be motivated by the same things. This self-assessment will help you understand what motivates you.

Learning Outcomes

  • Provide a starting point for your development
  • Identify your own motivational drivers
  • Build awareness of what the motivators might be for your colleagues or team members