Leadership Development.
Five Guys.
High Five Programme.
The challenge.
This leadership development programme was part of the overall curriculum design, aimed at the ‘DM’s’ or District Managers. These are senior managers who run a group of stores and report into Area Managers. This programme needed to be tailored towards developing the leadership skills of the future as these managers progress through their careers. It needed to be highly interactive and effectively embed the learning over time.
H/O & regional
The solution.
A year long blended programme with a cohort of 20, designed to transition them as talent for the future.
4 classroom sessions as the pillars of the programme; highly experiential and interactive, bringing ideas and theory to life as well as focussing on learning about themselves and learning from each other. Each session started with them presenting their own challenges and successes since the last session.
Interspersed with post course workbooks to challenge embedding the learning in their roles, and coaching calls in between each session to connect with our facilitator and guide their learning.
Finished with a Graduation Dinner to celebrate successfully completing the programme.
The results.
How can we support you with leadership development?